[articles][From Stephe’s desk] A question of PR soldiers’ paperwork, and more blatant Media inconsistences.

Oh, let’s get right to it.

» [article] Rain Submitted No Paperwork To Become Army PR Agent: Director Of Defunct Program Didn’t ‘Dare’ To Interview Star.

1) Let me get this straight. Rain didn’t apply to DEMA or get interviewed? *as I glance around in confusion* Hooo-kay. LOL! Here he is, listing all of his requirements for the job, in an INTERVIEW in February 2012. If this isn’t it, then what the heck are they looking for?

» [Rain update][Eng trans] Must Read: A second translation of PFC JiHoon Jung’s DEMA interview (3/16/2012).

» [ETA Eng/Chn trans][Rain update][interview] PFC JiHoon Jung on DEMA blog site 어울림 (Oullim) (3/14/2012).

(Source credit: DEMAclub @tistory / courtesy of scorpiolabibi)

Funnily enough, the source page on DEMA’s blog where they posted all of the above in March 2012 has been taken down. But that’s okay, seeing as in November 2012, they posted on their official Facebook and reminded us of Rain’s March interview. You can see the translation of the Facebook post below by clicking HERE.


2) Has anyone stopped to think that Rain may not have submitted the necessary paperwork to DEMA within three months of his enlistment because he might not have intended to go there? Jung JiHoon made his intentions quite clear from the get-go, that he wanted to serve quietly in the Army as a regular soldier, be out of the limelight for duration of his service, do well, and come home renewed. He tried to make good on that, serving eight weeks of boot camp rather than the usual four to six (and rather than bypassing boot altogether as some have done), and happily settling himself into the 5th Infantry as an ATO near the DMZ.

PFC Rain: Not a happy camper.

PFC Rain: Not a happy camper.

Then, with no warning after five months, DEMA suddenly breaks the news like a giddy schoolgirl that “Rain” was coming to serve in PR and how it was a “new day” and they would proudly show off their “world star” and that oh, by the way, let us stress (a bit too much) that Private First Class Rain completed an application and is coming of his own volition). R-i-g-h-t. As if the man would suddenly volunteer to earn Netizen Hatred when he’d already earned Netizen Approval. Seriously? Anyone with half a brain knows that unless you want life to get extremely difficult for you in the military, you do what you’re told to do. With or without “paperwork.” (They didn’t even call him Jung JiHoon. It was always “Ambassador 비” and World Star Rain, and he didn’t look all that happy about it.)

I remember our first thoughts when the news broke. OMG, they went and got him anyway. Couldn’t they have just left him alone? » ( [past article][from Stephe’s desk] Of an Ultra Soldier, an interview, and a firm request. )

Remember this past statement from DEMA in a Yonhap News article?

And in related news, the Defense Ministry’s PR department has plans itself for a large-scale movie, which Rain and other enlisted K-celebs will all take part in.  The PR department’s manager is quoted as saying, “We plan to schedule the movie production at that point [when] Rain enters the army, but our movie is still in its conceptual stage and the details of the scenario have not yet [been] completed.”

They said this in September of 2010, a whole year before Rain was even close to enlisting. They were chomping at the bit and making their plans that early. When he chose the Infantry, well that simply would not do, I suppose.

During that time in March 2012, Rain talked about the PR Unit being short-staffed because of all the soldiers who were being discharged, and how everyone should be where they are most needed. In my mind, that’s how he resigned himself to it and got through it—serving the country by serving the troops.


3) Did we not squawk for months about the DEMA higher-ups using celebrity soldiers for free labor for a slew of their own personal stuff unreported, for the longest time, heck, for years? Haven’t other reporters in the past done so as well, even Star News? (I thought everyone listened to Star News as The Gospel!) Celebrity soldiers have not only been responsible for their everyday basic soldier duties and training and all of the ambassador-ing, entertaining, and PR work, they’ve also been on call like cattle for whatever non-military events came down the pike, no matter when, no matter who, with no compensation, and had no choice in the matter (the brig isn’t a very nice place to be when you refuse the guys with the brass on their uniforms). Why hasn’t anyone listened? Yet there it is. Now THAT is what you call “abuse of power”, dear journalists. (I’ll be talking more about this matter and Rain’s killer schedule coming up in a future post. Surely you didn’t think I was finished, did you? Not even close.)

4) Why is Mr. PR Director possibly not interviewing Rain or letting some things slide because he was “intimidated” (LMAO!) seen as “a convenience for the celebrity soldier” rather than a convenience for Mr. PR Director? It’s so easy to keep trying to blame the soldiers for any corruption within the Defense Ministry’s infrastructure rather than the MoD itself, isn’t it? In a statement to eNews back in March 2012, a DEMA official said that Rain did submit an application and did go through an interview. (Note: All of a sudden, a slew of other celebs’ duty assignments were being changed at the same time. Pretty quickly.) And now the MoD has provided evidence that says oh, we were lying back then, despite all of our statements and Tweets? Which brings us full circle, right back to #1… who is that being interviewed for a PR job in that DEMA video? Mahatma Gandhi?

What a never-ending circle of lies and crap on top of crap and lies, DEMA. Unless… someone has been monkeying around with the inspection reports in order to give the public more fodder to feed on? People have said that when these celebrity scandals break out all willy-nilly, there’s usually unrelated government corruption that’s being covered up while folks aren’t looking. While they’ve got your attention over here with their left hand, they’re doing something over there with their right hand.

Ugh. If anyone is as confused as I am, raise your hand.

It would behoove the South Korean media to get on the same train the government is riding and put the blame where it belongs, instead of being bitches to the soldiers who have no power. And negligent K-Pop/K-Drama portals should get current and look for better sources. The ones they’re clinging to ain’t cutting it. — Stephe ^@@^


eNews World 7/24/2013 — by Grace Danbi Hong

Rain Revealed to Have Become a PR Agent without Required Documents

Just when all seemed okay again for Rain, another issue has turned up for the recently discharged soldier.

On July 24, congressman Kim Kwang Jin of the National Assembly Defense Committee, stated that a PR Agent management inspection report received from the Ministry of National Defense revealed that Rain and ten other PR agents were accepted as PR agents despite not sending in any required documents.


To become a PR agent, an actor, comedian, or singer must submit documents and recommendations that prove of their experience in each area. The documents must be handed in within three months of the enlistment date.

It has recently been discovered that Rain and other PR agents have not turned in these required documents.

Kim Kwang Jin also raised up suspicions that the full-time PR director, who was in charge of interviewing Rain, provided unnecessary convenience to the celebrity soldier. It’s said that the PR director remarked, “How can a deputy director dare to interview world star Jung Ji Hoon?” during the interview process.

In addition to these issues, it′s been previously noted that PR Agents were mobilized to sing at the weddings of PR agency officials in November of 2012 and March of 2013.

“The Defense Media Agency and the Ministry of National Defense must be held responsible for these issues,” said the congressman, as he added that there are bigger problems than the ones revealed during the official briefing of the Ministry of National Defense that took place on July 18.

Photo Credit: Kim Byung Kwan

~ by Cloud USA on July 25, 2013.

35 Responses to “[articles][From Stephe’s desk] A question of PR soldiers’ paperwork, and more blatant Media inconsistences.”

  1. We should say all this on those links of those infamous articles. To let those naive (I’m polite here) netizens see that he has A LOT of international support and that he’s not standing alone

    I know that this way we can increase the reads views of those pieces of trash named articles, but don’t know…feel like smaking some senses in those netizens and “journalists” brainless heads.

    And MoD. SHAME ON YOU! If you are afraid of some dirt made by your people what are you going to do in a real war? You know, one with guns and stuff…Just SHAME!

    I know how Korean media works in Korea, I’m a Cassiopeia fan, too (DBSK/TVXQ/JYJ) and let me tell you, you only need to flush some wons to them and BANG, the dirt is written. I know that it’s like this just about everywhere, but the BL done here, thrown at you in the face with such nonchalance makes me boil.


  2. Changing the subject a bit. Did you see baby bi on the video interview of bang sonic? Nice accent while speaking in English 🙂


  3. Hey, ladies, I’ve been away from home and computer most of the day… wow, what news to come home to. I’m glad Terri called me earlier and gave me a heads up so that I wouldn’t be completely taken aback.

    I had a bad feeling that Se7en and Sangchu would get the book thrown at them. With a massage parlor involved, there was just no way out of it that I could see. Part of me feels bad for them — I mean, you never want to see someone’s life go down the tubes like this. But another part of me wants to pound Se7en into the ground like a railroad spike for being so damned stupid.

    Dude, couldn’t you have waited a month or two if you were going to help burn the PR Unit down? Did you have to burn Rain’s life down too? Jesus!!

    Stephe ^@@^


  4. Rain, come on over here by us and work with some of our musicians, artist and movie directors. We have plenty of love for you. So many places you are loved, and would be welcomed.


  5. You know? I could just kick Se7en and Sangchu’s asses right about now. And I hope Rain did. I am NOT kidding.

    I’m that mad.

    Terri :-}


    • You know I actually feel bad for them. Mainly the way their gonna be treated? And I put a question mark because maybe they wouldn’t have much of a backlash. All I know is that poor Rain has been treated like crap past and present and he’s done nothing like what they did. I like some of Sevens songs and other Korean artist but I’m more concerned about our JiHoon.


      • Like I said to Mari on my comment below, I do and don’t feel bad for them. No one wants Se7en and Sangchu’s lives to turn into ashes, but it’s really hard to feel sorry for somebody who just does dumb shit for no reason. They knew Full Well things were not good for the PR department, yet the proceeded to “walk off that cliff” anyway. If they were that hot and bothered that night, there are “other” means my Korean brothas…to handle that. This is where Common Sense should have taken over. They should have taken their behinds back to their own rooms or back to the barracks or wherever, just Not to the Happy Endings massage parlor….cause a happy ending “ain’t” exactly what it turned out to be. So hey, I’m sorry for their careers and all, but now they’re getting what they deserve rightly so. What’s wrong and Remains wrong was trying to tie Rain to the BS. Just like my grandmother used to say…..”a hard head makes a soft behind” and Se7en and Sangchu have now landed SMACK on theirs.


      • Lotus,

        Well, I’m sort of torn about Sangchu and Se7en. On the one hand, I don’t think they deserve to lose their careers over this thing. Not at all. On the other hand, they should have KNOWN better. I mean didn’t they learn anything from what Rain went through at the beginning of the year? I mean weren’t they watching? Good grief.

        It was so stupid what they did. More than anything I hate sheer stupidity and IMHO, their actions rank WAY up on the stupid scale. I’m so mad at them. BUT I will get over it, I’m sure. Because I’m not an insane netizen and they don’t deserve to be crucified. But I STILL hope Rain kicked their asses. And if I had been him I’d have been throwing chairs at them and stuff when I found out. I mean REALLY???? 😛 LOL.

        Terri :-}


        • Hahahahaha……. Actually from what we see on kdrama’s he probably bopped them upside the head😂


          • LOL. What an image. Sigh. Probably not. He probably just glared at them. But still. And to think Cloud USA gave Sangchu flowers when he was in D.C. LOL. (I’m sorry. Now, I’m just being mean. LOL.)

            Terri :-}


            • I’m glad we did give him flowers. Seems like other fans don’t pay their idols much support at all while they’re in the military. It’s like they don’t even exist in there.

              I’m sure he was pleasantly surprised. It did my heart good. It was such a magical time for U.S. fans…

              Stephe ^@@^


            • *Kekekekeke* give us our flowers back dammit! LOL!…….*Just Kidding*

              No, I don’t think they should lose their careers and now that Rain’s gone, the media may not watch them quite so hard like they did Rain. Either way they’ve got time in the brig to think about it don’t they? Maybe they’ll get to do a “book report” too while they’ve got some time on their hands. It should be entitled “The Dangers of The Late Night Creep”………HA! *Kekekekeke* Okay, okay I couldn’t help myself.


    • Gurl, you know when Rain woke up and heard that sh*t, he went on a rampage and kicked ass into next week. I wouldn’t hazard a guess at how long he must have cussed them out because he knew HE would be toast for no reason.

      Stephe ^@@^




  7. I only one to add this.

    Thank GOD! JiHoon you have a world class following.

    From all the suicide in S.Korea they build you up not just to knock you down but to completely destroy all good traces of you until you feel worthless and ashamed!!!
    These people that do this need to be fully ashamed themselves nobody should have this kind of power! This is suppose to South Korea not North Korea.

    JiHoon you are so loved never forget that and if it ever gets just to deep please, PLEASE leave there you are a strong beautiful Korean man that should be more than proud of your accomplishments and where your future is headed.
    No thanks to Korean media? GURRRR!!!!


  8. You know the more I think about it, this public “sustained witch hunt” is just going waaay beyond anything I’ve seen. Somebody with some DEEP…..I mean DEEP pockets is paying BIG money to keep the media on Rain’s @ss. Someone “who lurks in the dark” keeps trying to sully Rain’s reputation by keeping these bull_hit stories in the public consciousness. The stupid part is just like sheep, the netizens just fall in line with the anti-Rain attitude like the “Stepford children” that they are.

    Hey, Korean media…..over here in the West…we “ain’t” falling for the bull! We “see” you for your work and it’s not pretty!

    Aja, aja Honey Love!


    • There’s no doubt in my mind of what you said Bia. Someone didn’t get what he wanted thru law suits against Rain and wants to destroy his career no matter what. That’s my thinking anyways.


  9. God I’m sick and tired of all this shit…


  10. Yesterday I wrote quite similar article to my blog. I remember how the spokesman of DEMA protested against that they had been ordered the transfer of Rain last year. It was strange to me.

    There are three additions from Ratoka’s blog to this sensationalist article:

    – two statements from the spokesman of the Ministry of Defence
    1. http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eng-trans-12-02-22-rok-mnd-rok-ministry-of-national-defense
    2. http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eng-trans-12-02-24-rok-mnd-tweet-about-rain
    – and a previous communication from Rain’s fellow soldier
    http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/22-feb-12-sports-hankook-rain-s-position-will-be-changed-from-a original source is http://news.nate.com/view/20120222n25567
    This is an interesting part in it:
    One of Rain’s own aides said on the 22nd, “Rain told me that his position might have to be changed, when he took a leave from the military. Since the Publicity Department made a firm request that he should become an entertainment soldier, he seemed to be determined to change his position.”

    I do not know who is lying but someone is lying fluently in this disgusting case. Of course not Rain.


    • Yes, Harudo11, someone is definitely lying and it is not Rain.

      Great job supporting Rain on your blog. I’m so happy to hear that! 😀

      Stephe ^@@^


  11. I wrote quite similar article to my blog. I remember how the spokesman of DEMA protested against that they had been ordered the transfer of Rain last year. It was strange to me.

    There are three additions from Ratoka’s blog to this sensationalist article:

    – two statements from the spokesman of the Ministry of Defence
    1. http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eng-trans-12-02-22-rok-mnd-rok-ministry-of-national-defense
    2. http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/eng-trans-12-02-24-rok-mnd-tweet-about-rain
    – and a previous communication from Rain’s fellow soldier
    http://memo-rain.ning.com/profiles/blogs/22-feb-12-sports-hankook-rain-s-position-will-be-changed-from-a original source is http://news.nate.com/view/20120222n25567
    This is an interesting part in it:
    One of Rain’s own aides said on the 22nd, “Rain told me that his position might have to be changed, when he took a leave from the military. Since the Publicity Department made a firm request that he should become an entertainment soldier, he seemed to be determined to change his position.”

    I do not know who is lying but someone is lying fluently in this disgusting case. Of course not Rain.


  12. So….let me get this straight. Rain is now a civilian again, yet he’s STILL being accused of BS in the military. Boy, you reporters are some tenacious __astards, I’ll give you that. Like dogs with a big ole bone and a juicy one at that. The “mysterious They who lurk in the dark” have decided to be some hard nose @sses, who don’t care what the general public thinks. They intend to keep on and keep on. They think they will get Rain to crack, because at this point that could be the only goal. The man has been discharged after serving his duty FAITHFULLY despite all the “ish” thrown at him by the military brass and his countrymen alike. He served with grace and humility in the wake of all the BS. Now the media is like….but wait, wait, wait, wait…..just one more piece of BS to add to our made up saga.

    Look here, Korean journalists you may not care what you look like to your own countrymen as they have become used to your unscrupulous ways to get “the story”, but to other countries your journalistic approach is quite lacking……to put it mildly (and even our reporters get things wrong sometimes too, but damn). To be blunt Korean media, you look foolish and silly to keep beating a horse that was “dead” a long time ago. Your approach seems very “nannie, nannie boo boo-ish”, as it’s quite juvenile to keep with a story that has been proven by ACCURATE research to be false time and time again. Honestly, you all should be damned tired of butting your foreheads up against that “brick wall”…seriously. Give it up, Rain came….he served….he was discharged….he’s gone back to his life and very soon his career and his TRUE fans love him……STILL. Despite all the “horse manure” stories we’ve had to wade through. This “let’s lynch Rain at all costs” approach is just Boring now. Do something different like acquiesce to the truth. Just relent and admit you’ve “effed” up continually at Rain’s expense and somebody please have the huevos to start writing some stories about Rain with some integrity. Please!


  13. Amen sister!!! You’re right, Rain’s reputation was used and exploited to benefit the military. The sad thing is that people in Korea think that he was having a day in the park! Sighh 😦 Just so you know, Seven and other entertainment soldiers will do jail time, yes, you read right JAIL TIME for this!! I feel bad for Seven and company, they are going to pay a heavy price for their “Happy” time. I thank God that Rain was with his superiors away away from all this. For Seven and company this ten or so days on jail could mean the end of their careers in Korea. What a shame!! :/


  14. Each week is a different story than the previous one. jung ji hoon siquiente week has jupiter travel without permission from the army. each week to hear a new history of those damn tabloid South Korea.
    As if the cause of everything that happens in South Korea due to rain. I hope I never turn the war between North Korea and South Korea. I can swear that the South Korean media, the headlines. “Rain caused the war between the two Koreas”, my God.


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