RAINY DAY Season 3, episode 16. Pandemonium in the Big Apple.

Cloud cover by: Stephe, Managing Editor ^@@^

Asia broadcast 7/16.

So, picking up from last week’s limo ride to the TIME 100 Gala venue…

Mr. Calm-Cool-and-Collected arrives at Lincoln Center, alights from his sleek transportation, and begins his walk as one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People for 2011. Those of you who remember our previous posts “It rained pandemonium on the TIME 100 Red Carpet, Part 1” and “Part 2” know that I used that word—pandemonium—correctly. That was exactly what it was! Things were relatively quiet, even with the major stars posing for pictures on the TIME Red Carpet, until Rain showed his face. His arrival signaled mayhem, bedlam, a figurative volcanic eruption of sound, and NOT just from Rain fans.

CloudUSAers and New York Clouds were there, all right, but in small contingents. What contributed even more to that amazing wall of sound were other female and male spectators and the Media, who were almost rabid in their desperation to get a good glimpse of him and a good picture. It was almost frightening. I wasn’t even there, they weren’t shouting my name, and I still had the urge to take off running before the hordes broke loose or something. LOL! Wow.

(I have to stop here and, once more, thank Gigi_rou, Diva, Stormy, and Tara for making the trek to New York so that the rest of us could live vicariously through them, and for being so sweet as to share time with lone Rain fan novaries when they ran into her. That goes for Scorpiola, and for Cuckoo too. Thank you so much, all of you, for your pictures, fan accounts, and videos. You truly made the Rainiverse a happy place!)

And now we are inside the building, headed for the main part of the Carpet. *gasp* There are some Rain fans waiting in there too! WOW. There’s Ronnie Yang in his smart bow tie. Both men look wonderful. Rain’s stature immediately sets him apart, of course, as he is head and shoulders above just about everyone there. Gosh. So handsome. I tell you what—if I’d been the woman checking him into the event, I would have been thinking, No, no, Mr. Rain, do not help me with your wristband, dear… let me just take my time and fumble with it a bit so that this moment is drawn out for as long as possible the thing is on really well. Hehe.

(Listen to that! Doesn’t matter how far he walks into the place. Around every single corner, he hears Rain! Rain…! Even male voices. Bi!!!) After graciously signing an autograph, he looks a little nervous as he and Ronnie get closer and closer to the point of no return, a place he hasn’t been to since 2006. And who wouldn’t be gittery, honestly, considering the star power waiting for him to come down that Carpet and through the Gala door? Holy smokes. Bless his heart. 🙂

The familiar smile comes back when he’s talking to KBS. I had to laugh myself when it looked like his checker wanted to smack the KBS guy upside the head and say, “Wrap it UP, dude, so I can get this man inside the flippin’ event, if ya don’t mind! WTH?” LOL! And again, the army of photogs along the Carpet are like a pack of hungry wolves, barking their commands, determined to get the shot. Ronnie comes to the rescue and gets our Man safely into the elevator going up, but not before perhaps one of Rain’s filming crew calls out a final “JiHoon-ssi! Mr. Rain!” and gets a last shot before he disappears from sight.

Later, the Gala is over, and there is time for a bit of reminiscing on the now-empty Carpet and a few autographs before heading for his hotel. As he sits in the limo and chatters with us some more, Rain looks pretty doggone delighted. As well he should. (What the devil is he saying? *huhuhu!* It hasn’t been eleven whole days but I am crying like a mofo because I just don’t know! *sniffle*)

And with that, we are done and gone. See you next Saturday, fans! Care to place any bets as to what he’ll be doing in the next episode?

— Stephe @cloudusa.wordpress.com / www.cloudusa.org

(Source: happyyyrain torrent / ratoka @YT)

~ by Cloud USA on July 18, 2011.

8 Responses to “RAINY DAY Season 3, episode 16. Pandemonium in the Big Apple.”

  1. I absolutely love this Rainy Days!! In this episode you can tell Rain was so happy. I really wish someone would go back to subbing thiese episodes in english. I really badly want to know what he is saying.


  2. How awesome to re-live this moment. The excitement, the Raindemonium (instead of pandemonium)…..LOL!


  3. I guess I will always remember this day, it was like a dream come true! You can still hear us screaming! LOL! Am I being too dramatic if I call this the day I got to breath the same air as Rain? kekekeke ^.^


    • It was fun indeed and a pleasure to hang out with you ladies. In hindsight our spot wasnt so good though. He shook some ppl’s hands toward the doors. But that’s ok. We got to see him walk by at least…hehe.


    • I’m pretty sure I hear Diva tell that reporter to “Get out of the way”!! Seriously near the beginning at 1:34. Erika listen to it is that you?


  4. I swear he has that innocent, kidlike, sexy thing down. Just change the angle of the face and there’s a different look for you. Looks like he had fun. Was he talking about being hungry? …..and LOL @ his hahahaha. So cute!!!!


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