[Cloud USA announcements] Bi Yourself Open Thread for 5/24-5/30.

» You can visit the previous Open Thread HERE. And of course, don’t forget that our Cloud USA Forum is a most excellent place for Rain love, fan communication, and self-expression.

By the way — have you left a message for JiHoon on The Cloud today?

» ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! The new 8th Cloud’s second membership drive has begun, and will last from May 4 to May 28. (Remember, our Project page for newbies on how to register for and USE the Official Cloud Rain Fan Club site in S.Korea is HERE.)

If you can, PLEASE follow Rain’s lead and give Japan a helping hand. Donate to the 7th Cloud’s Appeal-Donation for Earthquake Victims in Japan.


A month of The BEST Rain 2011 Concert Tour in Asia

BEST Beijing, March 26
BEST Bangkok, Thailand May 8
BEST Macao (China, special region) May 14 (arrival May 12)

BEST Taipei City, Taiwan May 15 (same day arrival)
POP MEETS CLASSIC, Dresden Music Festival with cellist Jan Vogler, in Germany, May 19 (arrival May 18)
BEST Singapore May 22 (arrival May 20)
BEST Shanghai, China May 25 (tentative arrival May 23)
BEST Guangzhou, China May 28 (tentative arrival May 26)
(tentatively headed for home May 29) 

• Please note: Our deadline to have your birthday cards and scrapbook pages to us, so that we can get the Cloud USA From Our Hearts To Yours scrapbook to Rain by his birthday, is coming up fast. We are delighted by the wonderful pages we’ve received so far! (Our scrapbook party, to bind everything together, is going to be a blast.) Funny thing is—we haven’t received any individual birthday CARDS yet. *confused* Well, we do know that postage prices are a real biyatch these days, and we don’t want anyone excluded because of that, so if anyone would like to email a nice Happy Birthday greeting for Rain to be included in his scrapbook, send that birthday Email to letitrain@cloudusa.org and we’ll put you in. But please do it SOON. Thanks!

Until next week, Rain fans…! 🙂

Stephe ^@@^

~ by Cloud USA on May 24, 2011.

53 Responses to “[Cloud USA announcements] Bi Yourself Open Thread for 5/24-5/30.”

  1. @stephe & Terri
    ok ladies are u two twin now that u have finally give me a new refresh look on that Agavtor pict which one of u have him from Dersden for dinner tonigh???
    first ahahah ladies i am going to say two person one pict even though u name is their but i could keep track the conformation here ahahahah *SIGH* 🙂
    dran that pict ois show watch when u se him tan jaw dripping awawwaaw :P)


  2. My BAD!


    • No, not “your bad.” What’s the matter? Are you okay? *concerned*

      Stephe ^@@^


      • Thanks sweetie lack of sleep and just my misunderstanding. I’ll be fine once I’m rested fully. Insomnias a B! 🙂


        • So long as you’re all right, that’s all I care.

          (There are DAYS when I’m the Queen of Misunderstanding LOL… I know, I know, tell you something you don’t know hahaha)

          Stephe ^@@^


  3. Ok I’m feeling ATTACKED here! If you understood what I meant I wouldn’t feel that way.

    What I was talking about was interviews hes done and tv series like orange these things are taken off because USER ABUSE…meaning being upload on others youtube accounts.

    I thought you all understood I don’t believe JiHoons personal space and time should be invaded.

    Because it seems your ranting on ME?




    • Umm, lotus… (went back and reread the entire thread one more time, because I’m confused)

      I understood what you mean, I just went off on another tangent/added another subject.

      Looks to me like Terri was ranting about the people she was talking about in particular (a different subject from yours), and BiA was laughing about something she did when she herself was younger.

      What you were talking about is pretty clear, and I happen to agree…

      Why are you upset? Am I in the right thread?

      Stephe ^@@^


  4. Hey Terri and Stephe,
    I sent you guys an email you might like.


  5. Stephe, hahahahaha sister I wasn’t refering to the fan cams, that would be way to much. I was meaning certain broadcasts and or events that are owned by mbc or sbs? Sorry if I’m not using correct letters (can’t sleep allergies) anyway they’ve been taken off because of uploading and others don’t get a chance to see them. I’ve seen this on numerous occasion.


    • Lotus,

      I think Stephe understands you’re talking about official broadcasts and not fancams. However, your comment reminded her of how stalkerish some of the fancams we see can be at times. We’ve seen fancams where fans have hidden behind bushes, behind columns, in cars, and under tables just so they could film him surreptitiously.

      He’s walking down the street eating ice cream, talking to friends, resting, participating in a private photoshoot, talking on his cell phone, etc. IMHO, that type of filming is creepy no matter how you slice it. If you are hiding yourself from Rain so that he won’t catch you filming, then honey, you’re a stalker. Otherwise, why the hell would you be hiding in the first place? No. You won’t see those types of fancams posted here on Cloud USA either unless both Stephe and I have reviewed them and agreed that they are acceptable.

      Stephe and I have even had discussions lately about some of the airport fancams we are now seeing, because even some of those are getting really out of hand. I mean, seriously. The man is just trying to get to his damned car and a fan is following close behind him and filming and sobbing uncontrollably? Or shoving her way through his protectors to film all up in his face? Or almost runs into his security guards trying to get a shot of him?

      Do any of these women ever stop to think how that kind of behavior must make him feel? What if they or one of their loved ones were the center of attention in those instances? How would they feel? I’m thinking they would think it was pretty creepy if a crowd of guys were following them and whistling or catcalling or sobbing uncontrollably. Totally bizarre.

      It’s no wonder that Rain almost sprints through an airport sometimes with his hat on and looking straight ahead and listening to his I-pod, so he can’t hear what’s going on around him. I mean it’s not like he doesn’t want to stop and wave at his fans, because you often see him doing just that–once he knows he’s reached the safe zone, like after he’s reached an exit gate or is safely ensconced in his car. I believe he knows that in mobs like he sometimes experiences at airports, his even reaching out–no–his even looking at one fan the wrong way could cause a crowd surge and a stampede in which hundreds of fans could be injured. Wow. Talk about pressure.

      You know, when I first became a Rain fan, he was on some interview somewhere, and I remember him saying something to his fans that at the time struck me as really odd. I don’t remember his exact words, but the gist of it was that he wished that his fans, when they saw him, wouldn’t cry, because that made him feel bad. At the time, I thought why on earth would someone cry when they saw him? I mean I could understand their cheering. I could see why they might want to holler his name and wave at him, so that he would know they were there to support him. I could even understand them reaching out for a handshake. But crying? I couldn’t fathom it.

      Now, of course, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. And all I have to say to his Clouds is this. Stop it. Please.

      Terri :-}


      • “Ensconced”…….love that word (for some odd reason) SMILES. Terri, I totally get how you feel. To be honest, I am surprised Asian airport security lets fans gather enmass like they do. I don’t really think that would happen over here, at least I’ve never seen it like that. I mean the occasional couple of fans, but it’s more just the paparazzi over here. Yeah CREEP CITY snapping all up in the celebs face.

        Honestly (being totally honest here), I have only done that ONCE in my life. It was at Astroworld (an amusement park in my home town, which is long gone now). I was 16 years old and Janet Jackson who was also 16 at the time was coming to do the whole autograph signing at the table thing. My best friend and I bought those little instant snap cameras (yeah it was a long damn time ago) and once we went through the line and got our autographed pic from Janet we immediately went over to the side where she would be exiting the stage. Sure enough, when she leaves the stage she comes down our way. I told my friend, “You call her name and shake her hand and I’ll snap the picture”. Well, when Janet got to us we were all giddy, excited, silly teenage girls……but I was determined to get that picture. Of course she was moved down the line quickly, so my friend just froze and shook her hand, so I “had to” call out “Janet” to get her attention. Of course when she heard her name she turned, I snapped and she Instantly turned away from me. Smiling the whole time mind you, but something in me EVEN AT 16 didn’t like the way I felt after that split second of snapping that picture.

        1) I was too damn close to her face and yes there was a flash, she smiled, I got a great shot….but she probably said to herself “that little……”

        2) I instantly regretted that my friend got the handshake, which for some reason, I felt bereft of cause I “had to” get that shot….right?

        Anyway, long story to say…….I felt like crap in the brief moments afterwards ’cause I instantly put myself in her shoes and I KNOW I would have been pissed to have a flash bulb go off a few millimeters away from my face. But it’s not like I could go and say Janet I’m so sorry for flashing my camera in your face. She was gone just as quickly as she arrived.

        As an “Old Broad” now, I approach celebs differently. The ones I have gotten autographs from, I approach as unobtrusively as possible and the ones I have been lucky enough to receive autographs/photos from, I did so AFTER ASKING them if I could have one. Nothing like taking a picture with Billy Blanks after having him “bust your a__s” in a workout. Everybody was hot, sweaty and haggard looking like crap but he was so open to pictures and autographs after that we said “screw it” somebody please take this picture for us. (SMILES)

        My one moment to take a pic WITH a celebrity and I’m in workout tights, hair all over my head, sweat dripping from every orifice on my body and I LOVED every minute, I must say! FANS……Celebs are People Too…courtesy and respect goes a long way…………(SMILES)


  6. WOW… we are gaga over that sunbathing pic of Rain! Good golly Miss Molly. Holy Toledo. Tell the truth and shame the devil. @__@

    We’re not putting it (or them) up, though. It’s really private, and a bit stalkerish for our taste. (Can’t the guy even sunbathe without somebody watching him? Jesus. He IS a human being. And he’s probably pissed off as hell.)

    Just wanted to say something in case you all thought we hadn’t seen it. Thanks.

    Stephe ^@@^


    • Girl I KNOW! I was surprised when I saw that this morning I was tagged on fb with those pictures. And you know how I feel about his private space and personal time, but I can’t be rude to anyone. But dang Boo looked HOT! and yes girl you know he’s gonna be pissed about it! can’t say I don’t blame him though.


      • I mean, I’m not made of stone. I’m red-blooded and I love me some 비 like nobody’s business. And let’s be real… who WOULDN’T want to see the Man “in the flesh” so to speak? (maybe a dead woman wouldn’t, but that’s about it)

        But I’d much rather do that with a picture that he posed for and knew about, rather than him lying there in an unguarded moment thinking he was finally alone. How invasive.

        I don’t know any fan who wouldn’t be horrified if they were doing something in private and then found out that they had been watched by some stranger. They would be indignant as hell and crying bloody murder, especially if their privacy was then made public for everyone to see, by some stranger. Oh, but we have the right to do whatever we want when it comes to Rain, because we’re fans? Because we want to?

        Whether we lose Cloud USA subscribers or not, that ain’t flying here when it comes to his private moments.

        Folks should really check the law. Why do they think they see some pictures with people’s faces blurred out? Because when you take a picture of anybody, YOU might have taken it, but technically people’s likenesses cannot be distributed without THEIR permission. Every picture of Rain BELONGS TO RAIN. Not to you.

        What I’m afraid of is that one of these days he’s going to finally get mad enough to go “underground” to where there are few photo ops anymore, and lose his appetite for twitpic’ing and stuff, or his management will get mad enough take away the complete freedom they’ve given every fan up to this point, to put up his pictures in whatever way they like, wherever they like, make art out of them, etc., without having to answer for it, and that’s when the Rainiverse will be royally screwed.

        Stephe ^@@^


        • Preach my sister, Stephe maybe you should make a thread just on this topic.

          And also about people uploading videos and thats why they get taken off youtube.

          I really don’t think some of them know the damages their doing or why they should care just as you explained. Just my opinion.


  7. OMG!!!!

    /Rain Topics on pause

    Esquire in Switzerland has released a spread on Oh JiHo (Kevin in The Fugitive, Song Taeha in Chuno, etc.)!! *slowly dying*




    Wow, wow, wow. Okay, I’m good now.

    /Rain Topics unpaused

    Stephe ^@@^


  8. Wow, what a super sexy come hither expression for the first pic! I like it a lot! And the hair is hot! I hadn’t seen these before either! But I’m glad you found them!


  9. Stephe do you know what a VIP CLOUD is? I keep seeing this and I’m curious, I know what VIP means but with cloud attached are they suppose to be special or something? Whats their purpose?


    • I’ve never heard of a VIP Cloud. It could just be a slang term.

      Where are you seeing this?

      Stephe ^@@^


    • (Then again, someone could be referring to somebody on the Cloud executive board… OR a Cloud who gets into the VIP section at a concert…)

      Stephe ^@@^


      • I’ve seen it on certain clouds twitter and FB profiles like their suppose to be something special? I heard an A+ was something for MBLAQ but all this is just confusing? so I was just wondering. Personally I could careless if their whatever it just seems they feel the need to have it typed out? Thanks my sister…


        • Yeah, I think they’re just trying to be cute with it. LOL

          MBLAQ has their A+s like Rain has his Clouds. G.O, Mir, SeungHo, Joon, and Thunder are all blood type A positive, which is where that comes from. Just like with no clouds there is no rain.

          Anything else when it comes to our fan names gets a big whatever from me. You’re welcome!

          Stephe ^@@^


    • No clue.

      Terri :-}


  10. Clouds! Totally random but thought I would pass this info along….if anyone is interested in learning Korean, Rosetta Stone has a special going. You can get all 3 levels (normally close to $1000.00) for 5 payments of 75.00. Still not cheap but a deal nonetheless. I just ordered mine! So excited! I just don’t think this Kpop/Kdrama obsession is going anywhere soon so I want to be able to read, write, speak and understand the language. And, yeah, the pics; totally too cute!


    • wow, really?


    • Thanks so much for the tip, tissitu.

      I have very little hope of learning Korean, but I keep trying different programs, hoping that one of them with click with my brain. So far, no cigar. Sigh.

      But that’s not gonna stop me. After all, last year, I didn’t even know the words chingu, ottoke, or sarang either. So, maybe by the time I’m 95, I’ll be able to string at least two sentences together.


      Terri :-}


      • Loll… All I can do so far is say a few words and recognize when someone is speaking Korean and know certain words when I hear them. Otherwise it seems extra confusing. I’m gonna start asking my ” personal” Korean coach to teach me a few sentences. Maybe if I watch more dramas I can start to understand them? Yeaaahhhh riiiiggghhht.


        • C’mon we can do this!! Where’s that Cloud spriti Aja Aja Fighting! 🙂 I might fall on my face but I’m giving it a shot. Not getting any younger! 🙂


  11. I am loving both pics. Rain look so cute!!! I love the hair style and the outfits.


  12. This is random, but I want to congrat Hines Ward for winning that mirror ball on DWTS last night. He’s a Blasian cutie (Black/Korean) who also has a killer smile and a lovely personality, just lovely. Anyway…………


  13. When is the deadline to send cards/scrapbook pages for his birthday? And what is the address to send it to you guys? Please and thank you.


  14. Perdon no entendi bien porque a lo mejor traduje mal..se puede enviar un saludo de cumpleaños y ustedes hacen un libro para que los reciba? hay! que hay que hacer mori!! quiero participar que hay que hacer!!!! es que estoy tan lejos aqui en Argentina aisladita…


    • Hola, Isabel. Sí, estamos enviando un libro de recuerdos de lluvia para su cumpleaños (que es 25 de junio). Usted puede enviar una página de álbum de recortes, o una tarjeta de cumpleaños (hecho en casa o comprados en la tienda). Les estamos poniendo todo en el libro.

      Le invitamos a participar! Nuestra fecha límite es el 10 de junio. Nuestra dirección es:

      Cloud USA
      From Our Hearts To Yours Rain Birthday Project
      3961 Floyd Road
      Suite 300130
      Austell, Georgia 30106

      Salud! 🙂

      Stephe ^@@^


      • gracias intentare mandar algo bonito, solo que el correo en mi pais no es muy confiable pero lo voy a intentar 🙂 saludos!!!


  15. I have never seen these either, where are these from?


    • I don’t know… I found them unattached to anything, and all of my attempts at tracing them have failed T_T

      If I run across anything, I will definitely let you know…

      Stephe ^@@^


  16. Loving the look he’s giving and he can pull pretty much anything off but just not feeling the hair style. But he’s gorgeous.


  17. Never saw those picts. before!!! Soo cute!!! Love THE HAIR style. Spiky!!! Btw, LIPS!!!!! Gahh!! O.o


  18. AWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! hey handsome what digging??????????
    are up in Vest silk here are u tooking me out to club or date hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm????????? man he HOT SO HOT HOT AND EVEN HOTTER here OMG!! the one in BLACK just kiiling no sec…. moooooooooooooo!!
    ahahah this pict of rain porfila Bio holding a baby i remeber it that the one a like but this he way to killing me here :P)
    that post so SO FINE ART here goota add my blog!! :P)


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